Digital Publishing




3rd Quarter Assignments:

Click on an assignment to read its description.

Read this article on the principle of proximity in design. Then find an example of an advertisement (poster, flyer, magazine ad, etc.) that either follows or ignores the principle of proximity. Include an image of the advertisement, as well as a description of how proximity does or does not apply to the example. Submit your response as Last_First_proximity.docx. (or .pdf)

Look online for articles about alignment in design, such as this one. Find an example of an advertisement (poster, flyer, magazine ad, etc.) that either follows or ignores the principle of alignment. Include an image of the advertisement, as well as a description of how alignment does or does not apply to the example. Submit your response as Last_First_alignment.docx. (or .pdf)

Look online for presentations about repetition in design, such as this one. Find an example of an advertisement (poster, flyer, magazine ad, etc.) that either follows or ignores the principle of repetition. Include an image of the advertisement, as well as a description of how repetition does or does not apply to the example. Submit your response as Last_First_repetition.docx. (or .pdf)

Sign in to using the course code provided in Schoology. Complete the lesson on File Extensions & File Types by reading each section and/or viewing each video and then completing the quizzes.

Sign in to using the course code provided in Schoology. Complete the lessons on Common File Types, Publishing Software, and SVG files by reading each section and/or viewing each video and then completing the quizzes.

Look online for presentations about contrast in design, such as this video and this article. Find an example of an advertisement (poster, flyer, magazine ad, etc.) that either follows or ignores the principle of contrast. Include an image of the advertisement, as well as a description of how contrast does or does not apply to the example. Submit your response as Last_First_contrast.docx. (or .pdf)


