Web Design


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3rd Quarter Assignments:

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To prepare for creating a website, we'll begin by looking at some terminology and some examples. Use this template as a starting point or refer to this pdf file to answer a set of introductory questions. Submit your responses as Last_First_WebIntro.pdf.

Create a basic page in Visual Studio Code (note the tutorial). Your page should be titled 'Basic Web Page,' should have a background color other than white, should have at least three different size fonts, and should have at least one font color other than black. Submit your file as Last_First_basic.html.
Here's an example.

Having gained some basic knowledge of constructing a web page, it's time to start planning your own website. You do not need to limit your site to just one topic, but please select a theme as a starting point. In a document, include the following: 1) A username consisting of 6-12 characters, including only lower-case letters and numbers, which begins with a letter, is school-appropriate, and does not contain your own name; 2) a name for your website; and 3) a description of a theme or content that you intend to place on your website. Submit your responses as Last_First_websiteProposal.pdf.

Add at least two images to your basic web page. At least one image should be stored in your folder and at least one image should be linked from the internet. Be sure to include an alt text. Use Creative Commons/Public Domain images that do not require citation, or give credit where credit is due. Center at least one image on your page. Submit your html file as Last_First_basic2.html, as well as any images that you saved to your folder.
Here's an example.

Continue working with your basic web page. Follow the video posted in Schoology to add at least 5 special characters and/or emojis to your page, including at least one of each. Submit your html file as Last_First_basic3.html.
Here's an example.

Follow the video posted in Schoology to post your pages online. Be sure to rename your files to remove your name. Your home page must be named "index.html." You should also upload any images needed to load on your page. Once your site is functioning, click on Submit in Schoology, then click the Create tab, and leave a short note that you have completed the assignment.

Follow the hyperlinks video tutorial to explore adding links to your basic page. You will need to create a second page if you have not already done so, linking to it with a relative URL, and providing a link back to your home page. Also include at least one external link (absolute URL) that opens in a new tab. You do not need to submit these pages. Rather, upload them to the server and then leave a comment in Schoology that you have completed the assignment.
Here's an example.

